Thursday, November 20, 2014

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Sharpen the Saw

This is the habit of renewal. Sharpening the saw means taking regular time-outs to rejuvenate and strengthen the four key dimensions of life -body, mind, heart and soul. To perform at the highest level, all four areas need to be in balance.

Caring for your body involves paying attention. Our bodies are marvelous machines that adapt, transform and give clues to us throughout our entire lives. It means eating well (thinking about moderation and avoiding extremes), exercising and being physically healthy. Caring for the body also means staying away from the things that will destroy it, such as alcohol, addictive and prescription drugs, and tobacco.

What is done with the mass of gray matter between the ears is the most determining factor to your future. Caring for your brain means making a plan and commitment to developing brain power through schooling, extra curricular activities, hobbies, jobs and other mind-exploring experiences. Creating an educated mind is not just about getting a diploma. It is about having the ability to reason, synthesize, write, read, communicate, analyze, explore, argue and much, much more.

The heart is a temperamental thing. It needs constant nourishment and care, otherwise it will send you on an emotional roller coaster. Caring for the heart is tied to our relationships. Finding a friend, family member, advisor or significant other to positively interact with will create large deposits into the heart. And when those bad moments or negative feelings just can’t quite seem to be shaken off, seeking help or meeting with counselor is important.

Your soul houses your deepest convictions, values and passions. It is the source of your deepest happiness and inner peace. Caring for the soul looks very different for everyone. Whether it is worshipping, meditating, creating, interacting or reflecting, these self-nourishing acts create purpose and meaning to our live.

Renewal is not something that is always practical. There are times to be balances and there are times for imbalance. Some times are more demanding and will require more focus, such as finals or throughout an internship. The goal is to be mindful about your four dimensions and make a commitment to taking some time, when you can, to rejuvenate and sharpen the saw.

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