Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Having a Blast on a Budget

You want to be able to have fun with your friends but you don't have a lot of cash because, let's face it, college students usually don't. Here are some great tips for having fun while keeping it affordable.
  1. Carry only the amount of cash you wish to spend and leave debit and credit cards at home. You can't spend what you don't have!
  2. Identify the difference between necessities and luxuries. Do you really need to by that coffee or can you make it at home?
  3. Carpool or take public transit to get to where you want to go in the Cedar Valley.
  4. Get separate checks: Only pay for your own food when dining out, especially if you choose lower-cost options than your friends.
  5. Use your student ID: Many businesses offer deals for students. Ask if they're not advertised.
  6. Find group discounts: Many businesses in the Cedar Valley offer group discounts for large groups of people. Some even offer discounts for just more than 1 person.
  7. Join a club: Student organizations plan free and low-cost events. 
  8. Look in the community for free or discounted movie screenings and cultural events. There are even apps that locate them.
  9. Attend school events: UNI offers art events, plays, concerts, and others at free or very low prices for students. CAB events are free to students and are always doing great things. Did you know that their movie nights come with free popcorn?!
  10. Take charge: Plan low-cost activities with friends so the suggestions aren't always for options you can't afford.

Adapted from 10 Tips for Having a Blast on a Budget from Student Health: 101

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