Tuesday, December 2, 2014

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: The Personal Bank Account

Changing habits means changing yourself. This first has to happen from the inside out by experience personal victories. These victories are like a deposit into your own personal bank account. They will build you up, make you proud and keep you on track. But when you break your commitments or fall short on your personal promises, you make a withdrawal from that same bank account. The ratio of withdrawals and deposits, just like a savings or checking account, will result in loaded or bankrupted self-confidence.

There are several key deposits that will be crucial to building a positive self-image and increase the achievement of personal victories. The first deposit is to keep promises to yourself. The commitments we make to ourselves are as serious as those we make to those we love most. Building trust within is just as valuable as creating trust with others.

Another valuable deposit is to do small acts of kindness for others. These acts create a focus outward, not inward and make us feel really good. The feeling can last when also used with the deposits of being gentle with yourself and being honest. Learning how to give yourself some slack, laugh at your mistakes and be patient with your development will keep a focus on what is really important and what does not need to be concerned.

An important deposit, especially when you become quite busy, is to spend time for renewing yourself. Life, school, friends and family can be stressful. Perfecting the art of renewal is important for maintaining your zest for life and keeping your motivation in tact. Renew comes in many shapes, from finding a refuge to exercising, to losing yourself in old movies, journals or music.

Finally, depositing your talents can increase your personal bank account in immense numbers. Doing something you like doing and that you have a talent for will provide a form of self-expression, exhilaration and happiness. These talents can reveal career opportunities, additional hobbies, and burning passions. All these deposits will create more self-confidence and help you wage the war within.

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