Thursday, January 28, 2016

Disney College Program

Ever dream of working for "the mouse?" That dream can become a reality! This internship can offer further opportunities with the company, look great on a resume, and give you memories to last a lifetime. More information can be found at  The application deadline is March 25th. You can also make an appointment with Laura Wilson in Career Services or Barbara Stratman in Academic Advising to speak further about the opportunity! Have a magical day!

Monday, January 25, 2016

What can I do with an interest in: Politics & Government

Possible Personal Characteristics: Critical and abstract thinking, and the ability to foresee implications of actions

Career Possibilities: Lawyer; Politician; Marketing Director; Foreign Affairs Officer; Policy Advisor; Research Analyst; Administration Assistant; Special Agent; Public Relations; Social Scientist


Political Communication: Students will focus on basic communication skills and how those influence and can be effectively used in the political domain. Various topics can includes: advertising, mass media and image management. Jobs in this area include public relations for governments and non-profit organizations, campaign management, political journalism in electronic or print media, political speech writing and advertising, survey research, and public opinion consulting. Students who have been active in debate teams, newspapers, student government or community organizations will find that this major allows them to combine their interests in these activities with their academic coursework.
Social Science Teaching: Students prepare to teach a broad range of social studies including the fields of economics, geography, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, and psychology.

History: Students will learn to analyze and interpret a variety of histories, details and timelines. Students will use a mixture of different resources to examine the history.
Public Administration: Students will center on public policy by interpreting and evaluating the policies within the government framework. Policies focused upon include federal policy, state policy and local policy. Students take a mix of administration, management and policy courses complemented with a required internship in a public organization. After taking a set of core courses in American politics, public administration and quantitative methods, students concentrate on courses in one of the following areas of public administration: general administration, state and community planning, public law, public personnel, public policy and public service, or international public policy.

Political Science: Political science is the study of government and governing systems. Today political scientists are interested in many of the same normative questions that engaged ancient scholars, such as how should governments be structured and how should power be distributed. In addition, modern political scientists are concerned with accurately measuring and explaining a wide variety of political phenomenon, such as voting behavior and international conflict.

Minors: Business communication; International business; International affairs; Political science; Politics and law; Women’s and gender studies

Certificates: Inequality; Leadership foundations; State and local government; International peace and security

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Student Leader Spotlight

Katie Kuch

Junior, from Cedar Rapids, IA

Studying Public Relations
She found her major at Majors in Minutes and by talking with communications professors

Involved in Summer Orientation, Peer Mentor, PRSSA, and writer for The Odyssey

Career Services is her favorite resource on campus

"I’ve learned that it is ok to say 'no!' You do not have to feel obligated to join every club or organization, or to go everywhere with your friends. Say yes to things that you really want to, and things that are important to you!"

"You don’t have to know what you’re doing as a freshman! It’s okay to find new interests and more than likely, college is where you’ll find them! It’s okay to change majors, just find something you enjoy doing and that makes you happy!"

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Where are UNI Students Going?

"The mission of the Office of Continuing and Distance Education is to expand access to high-quality educational opportunities available from the University of Northern Iowa through the use of a variety of methods and technologies and the provision of exemplary support services."

The National Student Exchange Program (NSE) enables students to attend one of 165+ colleges and universities for one or two semesters while paying UNI tuition. This is a chance of a lifetime you won't want to miss.

Grow both educationally and personally
Become better acquainted with a new region, its people and customs
Expand your academic résumé through educational opportunities not available at UNI
Expose yourself to distinctive ethnic or cultural activities that will help broaden your horizons

Top 5 destinations:
1. University of South Carolina – Columbia
2. New Mexico State University
3. University of Montana
4. California State University – San Bernardino
5. University of Idaho

Thursday, January 14, 2016

It's Syllabus Week!

What did you do with your course syllabi last semester? Compare and contrast to these tips:

Listen in Class
You’ll have plenty of time to read the syllabus later, so when it’s handed to you on the first day, listen to the instructor instead. As tempting as it is to skim the syllabus and tune out, it rarely happens in a class where a professor didn’t mention something extra that didn’t make it onto the syllabus, or correct a last minute typo to an important number. Keep a pen and a highlighter on hand to edit in any changes, or highlight sections the professor takes time to emphasize – they’ll be important to remember. If you have any questions, ask in or after class. If you’re feeling self-conscious, write them in the margins of your syllabus to follow up on in an email. It’s important to understand your syllabus from the start.

Write down ALL the due dates and test dates
Too many students do a great job of using their syllabi to get books for the semester, to know a little bit about what to expect for the semester, but then leave all of those important dates on their syllabus. They never make it onto a calendar. Those dates need to make it to your calendar. You need to see them coming. If you’re not using a calendar, start. And then put your due dates on it. Try Google Calendar through your UNI email if you’ve never used one and aren’t sure where to start.

Talk to your professor
This may seem like a strange thing to do, since it’s only the first week of class, but now is the time to do it! Professors are the perfect networking opportunity, and it’s great to build a good rapport with them before you come to them asking for help. Just drop by their office hours (office hours and location are always in the syllabus) and let them know that you’re looking forward to taking their class. Ask them any questions that you may have in the future, such as if they have specific study tips for exams. (Note: don’t ask what material you should study. Ask how to study. Big difference.) If you’re hoping to go into the same field of study that they work in, let them know and just discuss what it’s like to work in that area!

Determine the Grading Scheme
A few other things that you should locate right away is whether attendance affects your grade, if participation counts towards your grade, how the instructor will grade you, and what you will need to get certain grades. All of these details can affect whether or not you pass the class. This is one of the most important sections in your entire course syllabus.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Goal Setting

It's a new year. A new semester. What are you going to do with it!?
When it comes to setting goals -personal, professional, or academically speaking- they need to be specific, attainable, relevant, and time bound. The purpose of setting your goals is to give you a direction to work in, while providing a challenge that will keep you energized about what you're doing, and it will make you think outside the box to obtain. Common mistakes made are dreaming too big, not being specific enough (don't just say you want a "good GPA," but set an actual goal like "earn a 3.0"). Some might write down too many goals or not write them down at all. Tell someone what your goals are- your roommate, parents, academic advisor, professor, RA, anyone who you think will help keep you accountable best.

Here are a couple of different ideas on how to organize your goals for this semester: