Thursday, January 14, 2016

It's Syllabus Week!

What did you do with your course syllabi last semester? Compare and contrast to these tips:

Listen in Class
You’ll have plenty of time to read the syllabus later, so when it’s handed to you on the first day, listen to the instructor instead. As tempting as it is to skim the syllabus and tune out, it rarely happens in a class where a professor didn’t mention something extra that didn’t make it onto the syllabus, or correct a last minute typo to an important number. Keep a pen and a highlighter on hand to edit in any changes, or highlight sections the professor takes time to emphasize – they’ll be important to remember. If you have any questions, ask in or after class. If you’re feeling self-conscious, write them in the margins of your syllabus to follow up on in an email. It’s important to understand your syllabus from the start.

Write down ALL the due dates and test dates
Too many students do a great job of using their syllabi to get books for the semester, to know a little bit about what to expect for the semester, but then leave all of those important dates on their syllabus. They never make it onto a calendar. Those dates need to make it to your calendar. You need to see them coming. If you’re not using a calendar, start. And then put your due dates on it. Try Google Calendar through your UNI email if you’ve never used one and aren’t sure where to start.

Talk to your professor
This may seem like a strange thing to do, since it’s only the first week of class, but now is the time to do it! Professors are the perfect networking opportunity, and it’s great to build a good rapport with them before you come to them asking for help. Just drop by their office hours (office hours and location are always in the syllabus) and let them know that you’re looking forward to taking their class. Ask them any questions that you may have in the future, such as if they have specific study tips for exams. (Note: don’t ask what material you should study. Ask how to study. Big difference.) If you’re hoping to go into the same field of study that they work in, let them know and just discuss what it’s like to work in that area!

Determine the Grading Scheme
A few other things that you should locate right away is whether attendance affects your grade, if participation counts towards your grade, how the instructor will grade you, and what you will need to get certain grades. All of these details can affect whether or not you pass the class. This is one of the most important sections in your entire course syllabus.

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