Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Coping with Loss in College

College is an exciting yet stressful time as it is. But as we grow into young adulthood we sometimes forget that the members of our family and our pets grow older as well. Life happens. Circumstances show up, if we were expecting them or not, that cause us grief. Bereavement is a normal life transition, and though it is never simple or easy for even the most mature adults, it can build another level of stress and anguish on college students who already have a lot going on. Knowing healthy coping strategies will help you through the process.

Grief is a journey, there is no time line to follow nor should you be in any rush. It is going to be a unique experience for every individual. Take your time. Pace yourself but continue your normal routine as much as you are able. It is important that you keep your sleeping pattern as routine as possible. Set a bedtime if you need to and relax in your favorite ways. Please do not use alcohol or medication to “numb” your pain. Nor should you rely on these substances to help you get to sleep. They can interfere with your grieving process or cover it up – not take it away.

Express your grief in whatever way feels right to you. If you need to cry, scream, talk it out, or “do something” then do so.  Use your friends, family, and any spiritual support as needed. Take care of yourself, grieving can put a strain on your physical and mental health. If you find yourself feeling helpless or hopeless talk to a professional. Visit the Counseling Center on campus. You’ve already paid for the service, so go talk to someone because they’re friendly and can help.

Be patient.

Your Fellow Panther  

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