Friday, February 13, 2015

Six Ways to Manage your Messaging

Which would you go without for a week: your cell phone, your best friend, or good food? Chances are, it's not your phone! College students appear to spent almost nine hours per day on our phones. More than 80% of college students say that gadgets interfere with their learning, and one in four says it hurts their grades! 
1. Test Yourself: Think you can get away with texting while driving? Maybe you've been lucky. Check out the online texting-while-driving simulator by AT&T here.
2. Two set the Mood: Know where your phone is welcome-and where it isn't.

Where to put the phone
Make it easier
In the trunk
Ask for a stand-alone GPS as a gift, buy one used, or try Freecycle
Going to bed
Charge it in a different room
Dig out your old alarm clock
On a date
In the car
Suggest that your date do the same
On vacation
Leave it in the hotel
Use a digital or disposable camera
At the gym
In your locker
Use an MP3 player or iPod
 3. Use an app or #x: AT&T's DriveMode on Sprint's Drive First silence your phone and respond to messages. Or text #x to let friends know you're driving.

4. Reality Check: When you can measure something you can manage it. Use an app to track how much time you're spending on your phone.

5. Play a game: When eating or getting together with friends, put all of your phones on silent in the middle of the table. Whoever checks their phone first has to pay for dinner or clean the dishes.

6. Find your voice: Sometimes it is hard to remember the last time we picked up a phone to call anyone besides relatives or the pizza guy. Next time you want to make plans with a friend, try calling.

Adapted from Student Health 101:


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